SCION Ventures

Building and funding biodiversity and ecosystem preservation Nature Tech solutions

Bridging the gap between nature and finance, working towards harmonizing environmental conservation efforts with financial sustainability

By employing a venture build model complemented by direct investments, we aim to efficiently corporatize and scale up cutting-edge solutions.

What we do

We select innovators with the right mindset wrapped around biodiversity and sustainability

We commit funding and human capital to build Nature tech ventures with significant equity stake

We prioritize growth development models to fast scale ventures that address biodiversity challenges

We base ventures on research credibility to create significant tech innovation in sustainability and catalyze transformative change

  • Smart irrigation systems, wastewater treatment, and water purification technologies

  • Protection and restoration of wildlife, forests, grasslands, peatlands, oceans, coastal zones — mangroves, wetlands, seagrasses, coral reefs

  • Regenerative agriculture, precision farming, nutrient management and biofertilizers, soil health, integrated pest management, sustainable livestock management, plant biotechnology

  • Supply chain traceability, land titling management

  • Agroforestry, sustainable forest management, precision forestry, bio-geoengineering

  • Sustainable blue economy (fisheries, aquacultures), algae production

Investment focus

The program is aimed at transforming pioneering ideas in biodiversity into scalable and impactful businesses by providing essential funding and operational support to navigate the design, technical, and growth phases effectively. Objectives are fully aligned with the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030.